Papers: December 2009 Archives

My doctoral studies have now ended at Kingston University and I am able to reveal, in detail, what I found. I was looking at how practical and useful it might be today to represent Britain's "economic reality" (the Landvaluescape) as a response surface, in a similar way to that in which landscape (physical reality) has for some decades been routinely represented using computers. In summary, my conclusion is as follows.

At the present time, despite maturity of spatial analysis techniques and developments in automated valuation and property data modelling, the policy and institutional environment is not yet conducive to the necessary property tax or land information market reforms. A business case for Value Maps exists but remains hard to convert into effective demand for products.

The thesis is here divided into discrete PDF files for downloading.

I would welcome feedback and collaboration in future research in pursuit of my recommendations.


With acknowledgements

Chapter 1 - Introduction: from land to landvaluescape - the importance of this research - testing the hypothesis

Chapter 2 - Review of the Literature: the Howes Study - later studies of value mapping - valuation theory and purposes - valuation methods (manual and authomated) - spatial analysis and displays from CAMA - geoinformation policy and polity - overall significance for British value mapping

Chapter 3 - Research Strategy & Method: characteristics of the hypothesis - choice of research method - design and launch of the value maps policy Delphi - progress of Delphi Process

Chapter 4 - Delphi Findings & Analysis: value mapping concepts - defining Britain's value mapping issue - issues most worth tackling - more intractable issues - response to the policy options - action plan for British value mapping - stakeholders as enablers and beneficiaries - the Delphi Process reviewed

Chapter 5 - British Landvaluescape Demonstrations: demonstrating other landvaluescapes - prolems with UK data - lessons for British landvaluescape demonstrators

Chapter 6 - Selected Overseas Comparisons: basis for selection - Global Overview - Denmark - United States - Lithuania - Sweden - Australia - global conclusions

Chapter 7 - Conclusions and Recommendations: revisiting the hypothesis and objectives - perceptions of economic reality Britain & overseas - the case for a British value mapping programme - towards a British value mapping project overall conclusions - recommendations



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