Papers: November 2003 Archives

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Developing a business case for Value Mapping Britain - a proposal to the RICS Educational Trust.
There has been in the UK, compared to a number of other countries with a well developed land market, a dearth of property value data in the public domain. Consequently the property market and public understanding of its workings have suffered. However there have been major changes in the availability of such data in recent years, which are barely known about among those working in the property market.
This paper is based on a grant application proposal submitted in September 2003 to secure funds to enable the researcher, a postgraduate at Kingston University School of Surveying, to visit selected countries that use Value Maps and to design and administer a 'Policy Delphi' exercise among UK experts to identify the barriers to - and opportunities for - developing the science and art of 'visualising Landvaluescape' in Britain.
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This paper is one of three forming the foundation for a research project "Visualising Landvaluescape: Developing the Concept for the UK", leading to a PhD with the School of Surveying, Kingston University. The background to this project and justification for undertaking it was first set out in detail in a paper by the author for the Third Global Environmental Taxation Conference (GETC3) in Woodstock Vermont in April 2002 (Vickers 2002a), soon to be published in a volume on issues in international comparative taxation (Ashiabor et al, 2003). The paper aims to explore the state of UK data and research relating to the mapping of property and land values, examining some technical issues of geospatial analysis and display.

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